DIY Cookie Scribes


Quite a few of you have requested this video and I went ahead and set out on an adventure to seek out the materials to make a cookie scribe. It turns out that sourcing and finding the right materials was harder than actually putting it together. Here’s a run down of how to make the scribes and all the materials I used.

The materials we need are

List of Materials:

Silicone Beads

Cocktail Picks

Earring Backs

BIGGER EARRING BACKS (ill explain these in a bit)

Putting together the scribes

  • To start let’s place all of our materials on a working surface. The cocktail picks that I chose are really pretty on their own and worked great for this project however the only downside is that they are a bit thicker so the earring backs I ordered were a bit tight and difficult to put in. However we made them work.
  • Find the bead combo that you want. In this case I used all the same colored beads but you can mix and match, this bead set has quite a few cute pastel colors to choose from. I placed the biggest bead at the top and the smaller beads in descending order.
  • Once you have the beads you want it’s time for the earring back. Like I mentioned earlier I bought earring backs that were too small so I needed the help of a needle tool to help me loosen up the earring back.
  • Insert the earring back, carefully, and slowly until you reach the last bead so that it holds in place. For security place an additional earring back on the pointy tip of the scribe, and were done!
  • NOTES: I linked bigger earring backs just in case you want to try those instead of struggling like I did. Also I suggest shopping on Amazon Prime, this way you’re able to return items that don’t work for you.