How to make Chocolate Covered Oreos | Tropical Oreos


Subconsciously I have always wanted to make cute little treats like chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate dipped pretzels, candy apples, and chocolate covered oreos. I personally love how small they are but how much you can fit into them as decoration is amazing!

I also personally think they are one of those treats that you make for people not to eat…personally. The only time i’ve eaten one I had to cut it with a knife. But regardless of being able to eat them or not here are a few photos of the most recent chocolate covered oreos I’ve made.

Tropical Oreos with a pink background
Tropical Oreos with a pink background

I also have to admit that when I first attempted to make chocolate covered oreos, i completely failed! Miserably! I thought you had to wait hours for 5 Oreos to set/dry. and I waited and waited….and waited. And finally when I took them out the chocolate got stuck to the mold the oreos broke. So. The trick is to stick them into the fridge for a couple minutes and when you take them out they should pop right out of the molds! Here are a few more photos.


To paint the details I used Poppy Paints and I really loved how the colors showed on the final product. Make sure to visit my YouTube Channel to find the video.